In One Ear and Out the Other
Just brain doodling. I like this better than a journal, I can have links to cool stuff that I don't want to forget and pictures and possibly art work if I ever start painting again.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007
There's No Such Thing As Boys Like That
Found this video (Mamacita) via Daily Candy. I think it's hysterical. I need to get the Spanish part translated though.
(I replaced the link to the same video at you-tube. The link to kept getting hung up. This one is better but you may have to click on the button that says you understand that there may be offensive contact.)
Penny would have gotten a kick out of this one but I can't send it to her since she committed suicide earlier this month. It's strange what causes you to miss people.
I'm sad and mad and all sorts of other things at different moments. I don't know whether she was truely insane or just dug herself in so deep she couldn't see another way out. I can't help but wonder if she was just so determined to take this one, particular path, the one that would take her all the way back to the top and not just out of the hole, that she just refused to consider any of the myriad of alternate ways out. I'm sure this is another life lesson to be learned from someone elses mistake but I am so totally sick of taking the classes and is this going to be on the test?
Labels: handsome donkey, Mamacita, video
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Calvin and Hobbs
Old Calvin and Hobbs strips about snowmen. These are so funny. I miss Calvin and Hobbs, and Bloom County too.
There is a link to the Calvin and Hobbs Online Museum in the left hand margin of the snowmen page.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Great Video Tutorials on Crochet Stitches
This site has really outstanding video tutorials on both traditional crochet and tunisian crochet. Little 1 or 2 minute videos on individual stitches.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Ice Hotel
Well if we're going to be cold anyway the Ice Hotel would be very interesting.
I would love to go here (a hotel in Sweden made of ice). It melts and flows away into the river each spring. You never stay in exactly the same hotel after the season has ended. It's appealing on so many different levels.
Besides staying in such a unique hotel and wandering around looking at all of the ice art (and some of it is truly amazing) , you can take a course on ice driving.
There are also Moose Safaris, snowmobile safaris and dog sled safaris.
Hmm, how can I make this happen?
6 Words
Hemingway's 6 word short story, considered his best by some:
For sale: Baby shoes. Never worn.
It really is perfect.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Dog Park
I took Bosco to the Dog Park today. We went yesterday too but I didn't bring my camera. Yesterday, he found all sorts of buddies to play with, but today he was obsessed with a little husky and all he wanted to do was hump her. Needless to say, we didn't get many good pictures. I did get a few nice photos of two other dogs playing. I thought one of them was Bosco until I saw it didn't have a tail.
It's been snowing like crazy since before Christmas. I think we've had over 2 feet so far. This is how I remember winter from my youth. I'm so glad I have 4WD.
I thought it would be cool to sit by the fire pit all bundled up with our feet towards the flame but it will have to wait, probably for quite sometime.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Wanted Poster Advent Calendar
Next year around Christmas I'll have to go to the website for the Hampshire Constabulary in England. They have an advent calendar that has a picture of one of their Most Wanted criminals behind each of the twelve doors. I love it when the police have a sense of humor.
Found via a blog called Busywork
Back in the 70's when people started calling the police Pigs, some of them took it on as their own and had pig logos with pigs wearing police hats made up. They used them for public relations announcements and things. It was cute and made them seem more approachable but the high muckity mucks decided it was disrespectful to the office and made them quit it.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Biomotion Lab Point-Light Gender Study
This is interesting. I went to this website (Biomotion Lab) and clicked on the link to participate in a study (Point-Light Gender Study) to see how accurate you can be guessing the sex of someone just from the way they walk.
I didn't do as well as I thought I had (I got 102 out of 143). Some of the figures are obviously one or the other. Women with lots of hip movement, or that choppy walk some get when they wear high heels. Or the ones doing that, one foot in front of the other, model walk were definitely women. Some of the men had an overmuscled, neanderthal type walk and tended to roll back and forth.
It's a fun little test to do. Takes about 7 minutes. You just click on male or female when they show you a 2 second clip of someone walking. Obviously taken from real subjects and then broken down into a stick figure with points of light at major joints so that you only have the way they move as a cue.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Bosco. Fetch!
I've been teaching Bosco to bring me things. He picks up my pens when I drop them. He'll bring my keys, though reluctantly. He picks them up by the key chain with the very edges of his front teeth like they're totally disgusting. I can send him to get a dish towel, he's pretty good abou
t that.
And he'll bring me the phone, but probably not when it's ringing.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Grim Reaper
This is a group (they call themselves Drawer Geeks) of professional artists who are given a different theme every other Friday. This one is "Grim Reaper".
There are a bunch of them though.
It's fun to see how different people interpret a phrase.
Labels: art, artists, drawer geeks, grim reaper
Flying Reptiles Video
Very cool video of flying frogs and lizards from the Discovery Channel. Really worth watching
The Cat Came Back
I haven't seen this (The Cat Came Back) in years but it's always been one of my favorites. It's really old but still funny.