I really love my family. Some of them are just as strange as I am. Maryanne's son, John Paul, turned me on to http://www.catsthatlooklikehitler.com/ --very scary.
I thought for sure I would be driving up to the Coon Dog Graveyard by myself but Maryanne came through and we went up on Sunday. I also thought it would be hard to find but there were signs, and it helped that it was located on "Coon Dog Cemetery Road". There were probably a hundred graves, the first one was "Troop" from 1937. 

There were a couple of professionally done markers that rivaled the ones you see in regular cemeteries but it was the homemade ones that were the best. They were just scratched into rocks or burned into wood and probably took days to complete. It sounds like it would be really tacky, and I'm sure that's why everybody goes, but it was really kind of peaceful and sweet. There was a shelter there and some picnic benches and I think this must be how cemeteries used to be when we just buried each other off in a corner of the yard. 
Labor day weekend they have some sort of a festival there that sounds interesting. Like maybe if you could watch from your car sort of interesting, but the cemetery really is worth experiencing and I can see why it's actually made it into one of the guidebooks that Maryanne has.
We stopped at Big Bob's Bar-B-Q on the way back and I had a smoked turkey stuffed potato that would have fed a family of four, and I'm not kidding. I'll be eating the leftovers for the next three days. It was really, really good though. There are a lot more grave stones shown at the website. As I browse through them I realize there are some I didn't see when we were there. I hope I just missed them but I'm afraid some jerk may have stolen them. Key Underwood Coon Dog Memorial Graveyard: http://www.coondogcemetery.com/

Labels: alabama, zz